Book Diary Books

Book Diary – December 2014

‘The Potter’s Field’ by Andrea Camilleri

Wednesday 3rd December – Wednesday 10th December

I won’t go into too much detail here as I think I have already written everything there is for me to say about Andrea Camilleri’s novels. Even then, I am probably repeating myself.

What I enjoy most is not so much the story as the opportunity to spend time with the characters. Even though I’m not sure I’d like them as much if they were real people, I enjoy reading the books a great deal and it’s always because of the characters rather than the pretty grim stories.

‘Art as Therapy’ by Alain de Botton and John Armstrong

Wednesday 10th December – Friday 19th December

This was a bit of treat with the rest of my leaving-present voucher. It had first caught my eye in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam back in the spring.

In this book, de Botton and Armstrong argue that art is consumed in the wrong ways currently. That we are often left unimpressed because we are told that a painting is impressive without a proper explanation as to why. They contend that we need different art for different purposes and that carefully selected pieces can make us more rounded, balanced individuals.

This is the kind of argument that at first reading can sound like the ramblings of delusional intellectuals or the insight of someone who is capable of looking from a different angle and declaring that in fact the emperor isn’t wearing any clothes. Their arguments are certainly persuasive, not least because at times they managed to articulate something which had nagged at the back of my mind when visiting galleries – that a piece of world-famous art isn’t actually all that engaging.

‘The Outsider – A History of the Goalkeeper’ by Jonathan Wilson

Friday 19th December – Thursday 1st January 2015

I don’t think I’m stumbling across anything new when I say that certain writers write a certain way. I don’t think George Pelecanos is capable of writing anything other than a crime novel that ends in a violent shoot-out (and the bad guy inevitably dies), and I don’t think Jonathan Wilson is capable of writing in a different style from this. It suffers from the same flaws as ‘Nobody Ever Says Thank You’ but has the same redeeming qualities too. As ever, the level of research that has gone into this book makes me wonder if Wilson ever sleeps (knowing as I do that he combines his time between South America, Africa, the UK, editing the Blizzard magazine and writing for any sports website/publication that will pay him) and there is lots of interesting information conveyed to the reader throughout.

As mentioned above, it does have flaws: the slightly dry style, a common theme with ‘Nobody Ever Says Thank You’ and the inclusion of some rather dated and seemingly pointless anecdotes which led me to believe that the text was being padded somewhat. As a result, I would question who decides that this book needs to be written as a book, Wilson himself or his publisher. In the end the book goes from a history of the role of goalkeepers in general to a succession of detailed pen-pictures of significant keepers over the last century or so, loosely grouped according to the theme of the chapter. I guess this is where the book comes from – it’s too long to make a readable article on a website (and probably requiring too much research to make such a prospect profitable for JW), but probably lacking enough material for the full-length book to be an outright success.

Perhaps I’m casting JW in the role he identifies the goalkeeper here and picking up on a few mistakes rather than highlighting the many successes of this book. It is successful in analysing the origins of the role and identifying why it is regarded with such wariness by most people, and charting the subsequent evolution of the role, influenced by the changes in rules and tactics over time. In all, it should be applauded for covering all the angles and not remembered for straying from its line occasionally.

Book Diary Books

Book Diary – November 2014

‘Gentlemen & Players’ by Joanne Harris Wednesday 5th November – Saturday 15th November This came highly recommended by Emma and she was right on the money. It very rapidly had me hooked to the point that I think I read it in about five large chunks rather than steadily over the course of the ten days. The story is not what I would usually read in some ways, but that meant it was a refreshing change rather than a strange, foreign experience. I would definitely recommend it to virtually anyone as a very good thriller.

‘The Age of Doubt’ by Andrea Camilleri

Saturday 15th November – Sunday 16th November

‘The Dance of the Seagull’ by Andrea Camilleri

Monday 17th November – Tuesday 18th November

[Insert standard Andrea Camilleri Montalbano novel review here/]

‘The Village Against the World’ by Dan Hancox

Tuesday 18th November -Wednesday 3rd December

An interesting book which I bought with my Dalebrook leaving-present gift voucher. It concerns a small town in southern Spain which has spent the last thirty years developing into a communist utopia to improve the lives of its residents.

While an interesting history of the village and profile of its major figures, I felt the book was lacking something. Maybe it would benefit from re-reading in the not-too-distant future for me to appreciate some of the finer points. It raises many questions but doesn’t answer them – I’m not sure it even tries to be honest. As a result it feels truncated and a little unfulfilling, despite also being interesting and well-written.

Book Diary Books

Book Diary Special – ‘Perfidia’ by James Ellroy

Friday 12th September – paused Friday 3rd October

Hmmmm. What to write? I don’t want to say too much as I am less than a fifth of the way through the book, and so there is plenty of opportunity for me opinions to change. However, I can’t get away from the fact that I am disappointed with it. I’m beginning to come around to the idea that James Ellroy’s best writing is at least a decade in the past, if not actually over two decades ago. I remember finding ‘Blood’s a Rover’ an underwhelming and overly political, overly wordy conclusion to the Underworld USA trilogy, and ‘Perfidia’ seems to have picked up in the same vein. The biggest flaw I can see so far is that it seems that Ellroy has written the book simply to crowbar as many of his favourite characters from previous novels into the same narrative as possible. Not only that, but he is revising their histories and insodoing slightly undermining the strength of the previous (and better) work. Finally, his preoccupation with making the majority of his characters as flawed and compromised as possible only serves to make the suspension of disbelief more challenging.

* * * * *

Resumed 18th October – Sunday 2nd November

I wrote the above before pausing the book and moving on to a couple of quicker reads. I then reluctantly went back to ‘Perfidia’ and a very strange thing happened: it all clicked. Suddenly, the characters weren’t as frustrating, the prose wasn’t so overwrought and I zipped through the remaining 550 pages at a much faster rate. In fact, the last 300 pages were read inside about 72 hours as my enjoyment snowballed.

The thing that I found most impressive (and I expect I will continue to be impressed by) was the consistency with the later books. I am looking forward to the next three editions of this quartet to see just how James Ellroy ties the various threads of his imaginary Los Angeles together so that the lives of these recurring characters arrive at the points they should be come the start of the novels in the later (set) LA Quartet. Given his ability to weave half a dozen threads together in each novel, I’m confident that this is well withing JE’s grasp.

Despite its great length, I will definitely re-read this – probably embarking on an epic string of Ellroy upon the publication of the final volume, and maybe even tying it in with the first Quartet for an even more ambitious 8-book chronological extravaganza.

Book Diary Books

Book Diary – September and October 2014

‘Intrusion’ by Ken MacLeod

Saturday 6th September – Thursday 11th September

This was a leaving present from Lili, and came highly recommended. In the end, I think I read it in about five large chunks rather than steadily and consistently. While I don’t think Ken MacLeod is a brilliant writer, he had some great ideas and managed to make the book very readable. The future society he created was very convincing and there were some original ideas in there too, for example the idea that trees had been genetically modified to process more greenhouse gases and so were causing the climate to change just as dramatically as it is in reality, but instead it was making the planet colder, not warmer. If this book had a weakness it would be the ending. It was hard to predict where the book was going, but when the ending came it came suddenly and seemed a little contrived and vaguely explained. However, I was reading late at night, so it could be the case that the last couple of chapters would be better served by a second reading. That shouldn’t detract totally from what was otherwise an entertaining and diverting novel.

‘The Treasure Hunt’ by Andrea Camilleri

Saturday 4th October – Friday 10th October

Taking a break from ‘Perfidia’ I decided the best plan was to whizz through a Montalbano novel as these provide a refreshingly light read whenever called upon.

This was no different, and though it took me a whole six days to read, this was more down to the lack of opportunity to read at work than the readability of the book itself.

‘A Season with Verona’ by Tim Parks

Saturday 11th October – Friday 17th October

Having enjoyed the break from Perfidia, I decided to read another. I picked this out from the pile of unread books as it pandered to my interest in both Italy and Italian football. Clearly, I got through it very quickly – 450-odd pages in less than a week. However, that shouldn’t disguise the fact that it was a disappointment.

I think the author was aiming to write a travel book about football, and in both cases he falls short. In all honesty, the book is neither fish nor fowl. It’s not a fly-on-the-wall account of the Hellas Verona season, nor is it an undercover-reporter style account of Tim Parks’ travels with the hardcore Hellas supporters. Nor for that matter is it an examination of the regional peculiarities of Italy seen through the lens of football.

After a while, I came to the conclusion that this was a diary, even though it isn’t presented as that. What frustrated me even more was that while the author attends every match, there are a handful of games where the performance is so bad that he simply mentions that he doesn’t want to dwell upon them and so they aren’t discussed. Overall, a book for which I had high hopes and was disappointed. I’m not sure I’d bother reading it again.

Book Diary Books

Book Diary – August 2014

‘L.A. Confidential’ by James Ellroy

Friday 1st August – Tuesday 12th August

Taking a break from ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow’ and in preparation for the imminent publication of ‘Perfidia’, I decided to treat myself to a James Ellroy. I re-read my favourite, ‘White Jazz’ a couple of years ago, so I was then torn between either ‘L.A. Confidential’ and ‘American Tabloid’ – and as you can see, ‘L.A. Confidential’ won.

It’s difficult to properly articulate what a brilliant writer James Ellroy is. I think I may have tried before, but I probably failed then and will fail again now. The only reason that he is not head-and-shoulders above all others in my esteem is because his early novels are not all that amazing. However, nobody can make neon-tinted sleaze seem so gloriously admirable as JE. ‘L..A. Confidential’ is a prime example. Anyone who has seen the film will be familiar with elements of the story, but despite that film’s 18-rating, it barely scratches the surface of the depravity and cruelty of the novel, and yet there are few books I have read that can match this for sheer excitement and readability.

‘The Shock of the New’ by Robert Hughes

Thursday 24th October 2013 – Wednesday 3rd September 2014

Feeling arty, I decided to take a break from the procession of Zens in December and get my teeth into something more challenging and educational.

In the end, it took me a long time to read the book. The first few chapters were slow and heavy going, and it was only when I resumed reading in August 2014 that I finally made some rapid progress.

This is often the case with more ‘intellectual’ books. The early pages are establishing the context for everything that follows, and so often contain a lot of disparate information (or so it seems at first).

I’m also concerned that most of the information went straight through my head without registering too closely on the brain as it passed. There is almost too much to take in and too much competition for an already stretched attention budget when reading in the environment of a workplace kitchen at lunchtime.